Discover how shifting technology investments from AV to IT can unlock new opportunities in mass communication systems. Learn strategies to engage IT departments effectively and expand your project's scope and budget.
Adaptive sound masking, which adjusts masking noise levels in response to ambient sounds, may inadvertently draw attention to the masking system itself, leading to increased distractions and reduced speech privacy. Consistent sound masking is more effective, as it remains unobtrusive and maintains a stable acoustic environment.
In 2020, restaurants were forced to close dining rooms and pivot to contactless methods of serving their customers. As an article from Hospitality Technology points out, they did an amazing job in adapting their business models. But now on a path to recovery, restaurant technology professionals say these contact solutions will stick around and continue to be used post-pandemic.
The Atmosphere™ digital audio platform includes a variety of accessories that have been designed to be easy to install, configure, and use. With attention payed to common integration and end user issues, Atmosphere™ accessories solve real world problems with real world solutions. The industrial design follows this philosophy by marrying up a clean, modern customer facing front side with a robust metal back can to withstand the harshest install environments and be installed in most back boxes.
Almost every K12 school district had or still has an analog paging system that they use for daily communications. A system consisting of standard analog speakers mounted to the wall with speaker wires connected to a paging station in the administrative office for morning announcements, communicating to a single classroom, bell schedules, etc… And while these systems typically did the job they were intended to do, school districts who haven’t switched to network audio probably just don’t know.